Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Project # :


The United Arab Emirates petroleum reserves are ranked as the world’s seventh largest (97 billion barrels) [1]. Also, the UAE is considered as one of the most developed economies in west Asia. Since discovery of oil in 1960s, the UAE’s economy growths rapidly because the demand of oil and natural gas increases over the world. They play an active role as a source for power generation and petrochemicals industry. As the oil industry expands rapidly, there is a need for more cadres.

Petroleum Industry in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates’ economy is based on oil exporting (more than 85% of the UAE’s economy [2]). In order to maintain the production and to expand of the oil and natural gas industry in the UAE, more employees are required. ADNOC leads several companies like ADCO, GASCO, BOROUGE, ADMA, etc. These companies need lots of engineers to operate their plants.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers are very important to operate the plant because they are responsible for the processing and operating the equipments. BOROUGE and TAKREER will be discussed to show the need for more chemical engineers.


BOROUGE produces several types of polymers such as polyolefin, Polyethylene, PolyPropane and Low Density Polyethylene Plants. All these polymers can be used to manufacture plastic, film, cables, fibers, etc. The table below shows the current opportunities for chemical engineers in BOROUGE Company [3].

Position Title
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais
UAE - Ruwais


TAKREER produces several products out of the crude oil such as petrol, Diesel, tar, etc. It has several distillation columns to separate the mixture into its component parts depending on the differences in their volatilities. This process needs chemical engineer to operate the distillation column. The company requires more chemical engineers as it is mentioned in their website [4].

Need in other fields

There are enormous expansions in Al-Ruwis for the ADNOC companies such as TAKREER, BOROUGE and GASCO. These companies will need more chemical, electrical and mechanical engineers to achieve their goals. As a consequence of the expansions in ADNOC companies, expansions in other fields are required. The employees will live in Al-Ruwis so they need homes which will be built by civil engineers. The residents of Al-Ruwis will need food so there should be restaurants and supermarkets. In addition, they need hospitals and pharmacists. Indubitably, employees will bring their family and children so there should be schools and teachers. As a result of the needs, there should be businessmen to manage the businesses over there.  In order to keep the safe and security, police station is required. These days, if someone visits Al-Ruwis, he will see how it changed over the last ten years.

Obviously, the development in oil industry will lead to develop in other fields as mentioned before which looks like a chain. Also, this speech emphasize the needs of more cadres “Without a cadre of mathematicians, the industrial companies can’t function. What the country needs is a cadre of young Emirati engineers, scientists and mathematicians who can defend their country” said Kevin Massengill, vice-president of Middle East and North Africa, Raytheon Company [5].

[2] “Oil and Gas in the UAE”, Gerald Butt,
[5] Newspaper: khaleejtimes, 11 November 2010, written by Olivia Olarte

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